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The sixth match day of the Wasa Open

By August 10, 2024No Comments

Due to the rain, the matches had to be played on the indoor courts at the Tennis Center.

The day started with the doubles final, where Finland’s Patrick Kaukovalta and Poland’s Szyvon Kielan faced the Swedish pair Erik Grevelius/Adam Heinonen. The Swedes won the match directly in two sets with the scores 7-6, 6-4

In the singles semifinals, Canada’s Alvin Tudorika defeated Eero Vasa 7-5, 6-4, and in the second semifinal, France’s Guillaume Dalmasso defeated Nigeria’s Ghristopher Bulus 7-5, 2-6, 6-4

Alvin Tudorika and Guillame Dalmasso will meet in tomorrow’s singles final, the match starts at 12:00, weather permitting, at Vaasa Sportpark in Vaskiluoto, in case of rain, the indoor courts at the Tennis Center.


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